So Inspire, Much Awe

by 11:48 PM 0 Say A Little Somthing
Ah, I'm having quite some time with internet stumblings tonight. I'm tumbling back into a creative mode, less with tangible things, but more with design. It makes me feel so talentless though. What the heck am I doing with my life?

Anyways, this is by far the best online portfolio I've ever come across. This is from Daniel Strenburg, and I'm just gawking over it. Not to mention his tumblr is to die for, and I'm not that great of a fan for digital photography as a standalone artwork.

Second up, here's a great place to take someone of the male of species--the Blind Barber. Not only is their website phenomenal, but their services also include a free beverage. Cocktails anyone?

Here's an interesting motion animation music video from Young Galaxy. And I typically stray from animated music vids, but this one is pretty rad:

Haley Bob


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