Blogger's/Sleep Dilemma

by 9:21 PM 0 Say A Little Somthing
I'm jumping back and forth in between platforms.

So I'm just partially unsatisfied with Blogger, or maybe it's the fact that I have no idea what I am doing which leads into the whole confusion.

I honestly have no idea what I friggin write about, or what exact direction it's going. And I guess the point of The Forgotten Collective was to essentially be a "collective" of random thoughts, ideas, and so on. Mainly the posts have been music related.

I've tried twitter's "Medium" which is kinda interesting. Maybe a good bubble for a creative writing outlet, but I think it needs more development to go under.

Anyways, I just sipped down the final cup of tea to the conclude the night. And I read this article about polyphasic sleep, and it's kind of weird to think about in a couple of ways:

First off, are we really at the point where we need to think about maximizing sleep time--thinking that sleep is a waste when more productive things can be done? Let me just state the obvious for second and think, is sleeping a pure waste of time? I know it's the body's way of recharging, benefits, and blah blah, but I have those days too. It's like I want to say eff you sleep! I have better things to do, because there's so much crap to be done.

So another thing this gets at, is another obvious fact. Technology and such was invented in order for us to save time, therefore decreasing the workday or at least the amount of work we do. And yes, that is quite true, but at the same time this increases the expectations of workers.

I remember reading an article like that in a Women's Studies class I took once, and it was really interesting especially through the women's perspective. To keep it short, the household technology increased the expectations of women in the home--but this doesn't apply only to females. Let's say at any job, we're currently holding more responsibilities and tasks to get done in one day than if we were working the same job 50 years ago. You'd think everyone would have an easier time, but it somewhat seems more stressful if anything.

But anyways, polyphasic sleep is quite curious. And that pretty much describes how I functioned during high school. And at that time it pretty much sucked. Maybe it was because school sucked in general.

Idk, bro, but I just have one piece of advice to the world:

calm your tits. 

Haley Bob


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