Land Observations & Hipster Yoga Music

by 7:24 AM 0 Say A Little Somthing
Crap. It's been way too long.

Yet as I go about my life, neglecting to write my music opinions, the music still continues and I will keep up at my own pace. So let's ignore the pop culture of music and get onto music itself.

I was on my way to the store to run some errands and decided to pop in Land ObservationsRoman Roads IV-XI into the stereo. (I've decided to rummage through the collection of CD's I've accumulated through my previous job at university radio) 

James Brooks definitely did our ears a favor with this solo project. If you're in need of some calming instrumentals that flow along the lines of CFCF and Tycho, then definitely give this a listen. This features more guitar than the previously mentioned, but it's definitely a refreshing vibe that brought me back into loving instrumental tunes again.

Roman Roads undoubtedly presents a clear essence. I'll make a post explaining my definition of "album essence" later. (yeah, I know, I'm actually going to write a post again? ambitious, aren't we)

I'm definitely throwing this record into my list of Hipster Yoga Music, which consists of CFCF, Gold Panda, Tycho, and MMOTHS. Can you not hear it when you're in your warrior one? down dog? These also go well with intense study sessions--trust me.

Keep truckin' along with the search for good music. I know it's really crappy out there, but there are some gems. And always feel free to time travel (as I'm doing).

Here's "Aurelian Way"

My favorite "Via Flamina":

Haley Bob


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